Sunday, October 09, 2011

Week 20

Sunday, October 9.
Africa (Pangani) - 13:30-20:00

Monday, October 10.
Asia () - 13:30-20:00

Tuesday, October 11.
Africa Restrooms - 08:30-19:30

Cristina leaves for Puerto Rico. (And we all want to follow).

Wednesday, October 12.
Africa Restrooms - 08:30-19:30 - Given to Aida. I now have the day off.

I wanted to spend the day with Ricky before leaving for Puerto Rico. We rented a car that morning and went to a Halloween store, Target, and Publix. And Typhoon Lagoon. Let's not forget the water park!

Thursday, October 13.
Leaving for Puerto Rico with Laura and Kristi.

Puerto Rico was absolutely beautiful. We were incredibly lucky to have Cristina's parents agree to have all of us stay for a few nights and feed us. And for that matter let us do laundry before coming back here.

On Thursday morning Ricky was kind enough to drive us over to the airport with the rental car. We made it through security quite fast and bought some breakfast to make it through the wait and flight.

Waiting at the airport.
Waiting in the plane.
When we landed in Puerto Rico and found Kristi's suitcase we met up with Cristina who was incredibly excited to have us there.
Right away we started our visit of Puerto Rico. Cristina had us try some beef and crab fried food and some Puerto Rican drinks.

This was actually fried fish. Delicious as well.
We then continued our trip to Old San Juan, one of the most important cities of Puerto Rico. There we went to El Morro, an old fort built to protect the coast from invasion

Right by the seaside.
We  bought a kite and had a wonderful time enjoying the sea, the wonderful weather, and the fact that we finally had a real vacation.
Puerto Rico reminded me of France in many ways, the small streets, the sea, the food. It was refreshing.

Friday, October 14.
Puerto Rico.

On Friday Cristina's parents put us all in the car and we drove straight through Puerto Rico from the east to west coast. We stopped a few times to see artisan crafts and the sights of the region. We ate a pig for lunch... the pictures may gross some folks out, but I loved every minute of my lunch.

This shop on the side of the road had tons of wonderful artifacts.


We went to the beach, you know, the Caribbean Sea, no big deal. I don't enjoy swimming much, but in warm blue water it's hard to say no.

That evening we went to see the glowing lights in the water there. Some areas have little microorganisms that emit light when the water is disturbed. So from a boat in the middle of the sea tourists can go and enjoy the light in the water. That night we stayed in a small hotel near the beach.

Saturday, October 15.
Puerto Rico.

That morning we were fortunate enough to try oysters and clams. And I have to say, they aren't as bad as I remember. Well I love clams, and they are absolutely delicious fresh. The oyster I tried didn't really taste like anything.

nom nom nom

We then went to a faro (lighthouse) up on a cliff. And had a gorgeous view of blue water and a never-ending horizon.

We then completed our journey by driving back up to the north of the island and then straight east.

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