Sunday, August 07, 2011

Week 11

Sunday, August 7.

Asia - Caravan.

I was a Call-In Factor on Sunday. So if anyone had called-in sick I would taken their spot. It turns out no one called-in sick. Well they did earlier but the other Call-In Factors had already stepped in to fill the gaps. So Bernadette gave me the choice between Caravan and Anandapur. Both are up in Asia so I was happy either way but being lazy I picked Caravan. I love Caravan, it's the first place I knew like the back of my hand, it was my training grounds. So I had the 16:00 trash run, before starting that I had a break and when I reached the break room Dan, Marcie, and Amandine were already there so I chatted with them until another three CPs showed up and then a Manager. She got mad at us for all being on break/lunch and no one being outside in the area. Until we showed her the area's schedule where we were all legally on break. Then she started joking with us so we let it go. Marcie joked that I should double bag my run so she would just have to pull at closing, which I actually did to draw my run out, I took over an hour instead of 45 minutes so it was great. It was a good thing since it started raining a little before the last trash run and Marcie was able to power through her run and not get completely drenched (like Amandine in Everest). I managed to wear my rain gear that day so I wasn't completely soaked. I also got a ride from Amanda (the beginning of my addiction to getting rides) we could barely see the road, it was ridiculous. And then within the hour it stopped.
We had a barbeque planned at Vista that night for Custodials so we were all sad when it started raining but we didn't give up and by 21:00 a dozen of us met up at the grill behind the Vista swimming pool. Aida and I had to drive over to Walgreens to buy more charcoal for the fire. The bbq was delicious and we all had a great time. Once again it was mostly a goodbye hang out.

Monday, August 8.

Asia - Caravan.

I was supposed to have my Monday off but I picked up Sarah's shift. She was desperate to give it away so she could go and have fun with her friend. So it was more hours for me, yay!
I had Caravan again, I worked with Tasso and Paul. Trina was seen only during her trash run at 16:00. I was about to tell a manager that she hadn't been out all day but the managers were gone by the time we got back to the Main Office that night.

Tuesday, August 9.

Off - Downtown Disney with Ricky. Disney Quest and RAIN.

Wednesday, August 10.

Restrooms Checker.

I was a checker a month ago. This time I had the other half of the park to check, so Restaurantosaurus, Hester and Chester's, Theater in the Wild, Everest, Flametree, and Kali. Don was checking the male restrooms on that side so it was another fun day. As usual it rained, Don tried to steal my poncho so I hit him with my broom. The usual. It was his last day, like a lot of the other CPs, namely Nick, Brittany, Van, and Brian.
A few of them worked until midnight. The park holds "conventions", large groups can rent the park on Wednesday nights, so a few of the Custodials worked last Wednesday, and others worked this week, and next week. I kind of wish I could work conventions, I'm waiting to get scheduled for them, I hope I will. You get free popcorn and cookies.
When I got home I took a nap for a few hours and then took a shower. When Ricky got back we hung out for a little bit and at 1:00 am Brittany picked me up from Vista to go to Ihop. I had the crepe with fruits. Delicious. We went there to say by to Nick and Brittany, Brian was supposedly too tired to go, so I didn't actually get to say goodbye.

Photo from Brittany's phone.

On the left you can see: Me, Amanda, Amandine.
And on the right: Dan, Nick, Brittany, and Marcie.
Aida showed up later.

Thursday, August 11.

Africa - Pangani.

We were all pretty amazed when we saw our schedule that we weren't closing any days that week until we realized that the park starts closing at 18:00. So I had the joy of closing Pangani. The main problem we had to adjust to was the disappearance of the 16:00 trash run which used to make our closing trash pretty empty. When we all got back to the Main Office we were all horrified to realize that we will have to empty our boats two or three times each run. Ha, yeah, that sucks.
That morning we were also sad to realize that we were the only five CPs there that day and they had us spread all over the park. It's a horrible realization when you can't chat with friends.

Friday, August 12.

Main Entrance - Bus Side.

Yay, Bus Side! The fifty-fifty chance I have of getting that side versus Medical Side seems to lean heavily towards the buses.
Dan was happy to see he had Medical Side, apparently he never had that side before, I'm kind of glad he did since he had two runs in a row. My closing trash run ended (and pretty much started) under the rain. I managed to reach the bus stops (therefore cover) and realize that I did not have my rain gear before the skies open and buckets emptied on the park. So I did my run under the rain, it wasn't the first time and it won't be the last, and to be honest I love it so I managed to keep my Disney Smile on until I reached my apartment.

Saturday, August 13.

Dinoland - Theater in the Wild.

My hip acted up this morning, I could barely go down the stairs and almost didn't make it into the bus. I forced myself to walk to the Main Office, and apparently warming it up was all it needed. It wasn't feeling 100% wonderful but I can walk normally. I think that walking uphill all day in Main Entrance is destroying my legs, just saying.
Theater in the Wild I had not worked in since my training days so I was pretty excited to be there. When in that area of Dinoland you're on your own and have the three trash runs for the day. I triple bagged on the first path and had only one bag to dump at the end of that run. The second run I had to dump twice, the third only once. The runs are at 12:30, 15:30, and 17:30, it's interesting to see when people go through the most. The Nemo Musical is the reason people are in that area, when going into the theater to pick up the trash you have to figure out the exact time to go in. You have to wait for people to have stopped walking out but go in before they start loading the next show. I also found a few cans I forgot to get on the times I had done that trash before. Oops?

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