Sunday, June 12, 2011

Week 2

Sunday, June 05.

Off - Costuming.

Another wonderful day spent partly getting my costumes. The fact that I have to try on every single pair of pants to make sure they're 14x32 and not 16s hiding in the form of 14s just takes up the half hour I wait for the bus.
That takes up my afternoon, I wake up at noon and off I go. Back by 16:00 it kills my day. It would be a whole lot faster if I had a car... just sayin'.

Monday, June 06.

Off - Hollywood Studios.

I had nothing to do so I decided to go bug Ricky while he's at work. He's either outside on Hollywood Boulevard or Sunset Street or inside taking care of photos for guests. I hopped on the bus to the Studios and made my way to the main entrance. It's faaaaaaaar, way too far, after walking as a Custodial, I should let my feet and legs rest on my days off.

Do you see the hidden Mickey? Hehehe, just kidding.

I walked around for a bit, up Hollywood Boulevard, through the shops, down Sunset Street, drooling as I went. I passed a Turkey Leg vendor, the theater where Beauty and the Beast plays, and reached the Tower of Terror. I walked back to Hollywood Boulevard and went the whole way around the park wondering if Ricky was on break as I hadn't spotted him yet. I saw the Pixar Studios:

The land of Toy Story and gorgeous animations.

Just for Dad, Lightyear AND a rocket.

There is so much. So, so, so much to see. The thing is that going around each park is fast, but to get every detail in is nearly impossible. Also I was looking for Ricky so I kind of skipped over a lot of things I'm sure.

The HAT! Magical... and a stage.

The back of the building looks Moroccan so it fits in when seen from Epcot.

I went into the main store on Hollywood Boulevard and bought Dad the Mickey Ears he demanded of me when I told him I wanted to work for the Disney. I forgot to take a photo of them though. (As of June 22 we will NOT have a photo of them until I'm back home, unless Alexia/Nick can get one for me, Dad doesn't pics to end up online - understandable in Facebooktimez).

As I was paying another customer asked where the store was to buy the Photopass pictures, the answer was "next door", and I thought "sweet, Ricky might be there". And he was:

Helping the most indecisive customers.

I creeped on him for about ten minutes before he realized I was standing there. At that point I realized that Beauty and the Beast was about to start so I power walked over to the theater and grabbed a seat before people stole all the good one.

Not the best photo, but I was in a hurry.

I had to let my ears bleed as the lady behind me was explaining to her kids that "Expelliarmus" was the spell used to blast people away. Break down the word lady, "expel" + "arm". Blast away - really?

Anyway, back on subject. This show was amazing - a very shortened version of the animated movie, but it had all the songs, a good number of dances and the best looking costumes. I absolutely have to go again, it was perfect.
By the time the show was done I went back around to see if Ricky was still in his little store, but I ran into him in the street, performing his Photopass role.

Aren't our costumes just wonderful?

As he has to stay into role I asked him where I could purchase frozen lemonade, the best thing in the world on a warm day, and went to purchase a cup of it (10% cast discount, woot!). I then sat on the edge of a fountain and creeped some more on Ricky while he was helping customers. He has to arrange them, tell them to stand in an equal manner on the white line on the ground and smile for a few shots, do something goofy for a few more, and for couples he gets a kiss in there. Pretty fun to watch, not sure how fun it is to direct people to your every whim while dealing with cranky teens and crying children. Do they realize they are at Disney World? Apparently not.

I went back up to Ricky in between guest pictures to ask how long the walk back to the bus was at which point I realized I would miss the next one so I went back around the park for another half hour and then caught the bus back home where I rested a bit while waiting for Ricky to come back. We grabbed some Chick-Fil-A and off to dream land we went. The only reason I remember eating Chick-Fil-A is explained by tomorrow (and not in a gross way, I promise).

Tuesday, June 07.

Call-In - Sick. Dehydration?

I was supposed to work at 13:00 I think. When I woke up in the middle of the night I felt a little queasy, I usually do when I wake up super hungry so I didn't think much of it. By the time I woke up at 9-ish it was worse, I wasn't sure what was going on so I figured I would eat some Frosted Flakes to see if it was a hunger-issue. Turns out it wasn't, within five minutes I was dealing with a Code V in the restroom. I felt much better after that and took my shower and got dressed for work. I sat watching The Brave Little Toaster with a roommate and her friend before leaving. By 11:00 the queasiness started again and I realized going to work was probably not such a good idea. During his break Ricky called me and told me to call in to work, there was no point going if I was going to be sick again. I got to try out the "DAK Custodial Call-In Line" and go with "Option 1" to tell them I was calling-in sick. I hate doing that, just like I hated missing class for any reason - which was extremely rare and used to include Labor Day's Friday (thanks Mom and Dad).

I brought my pillow and blanket to the living room couch and spent the first part of the afternoon watching the Chopper show: too lazy to change the channel and too tired to care what it was about. At some point my brain registered that maybe I was dehydrated. I ran that idea by Ricky, who said it was very likely and then I started drinking glass after glass of water and felt a little better. I watched TV for a while, snuggled in my blanket and dozed off for another good bit of time and woke up at 16:00 when people started going back and forth getting ready for work. I started feeling a tiny bit hungry so I got up to get some salad and as soon as I touched it I ran for the restrooms and got rid of my cereal and felt a whole lot better. I ate my salad (or lettuce I guess) and spent the rest of the day on the couch watching TV until Ricky got home and took me out to walk a little bit.

Wednesday, June 08.

Main Entrance - Medical Side.

The Main Entrance part of Animal Kingdom is split in half exactly, according to the flag pole in front of the turnstiles. Medical side is the easy side, there are a reasonable amount of cans, it just stretches foreeever, from the Charter Bus stop to the top of the Oasis. Lots and lots of walking that day, especially nice because the Oasis is uphill a little bit, I could feel my thighs by the end of the night.
I didn't realize that finishing later than 21:00 would be extremely creepy. The Oasis is very dark and full of trees with the birds making so many weird sounds and noises that walking around in complete darkness except for a few very unbright lights is incredibly uncomfortable for me. I dislike the dark with a passion, even more so when I have to walk around on my own. Good thing the park is beautiful or I would have been back at the main office a half hour early.

Thursday, June 09.

Main Entrance - Restrooms.

This was the first of my two 12 hour shifts. Killers, both of them. Restrooms are actually quite nice to work in: easy, back and forth, 15 to 20 minutes in each restroom. I like it, you can count down the hours faster, "oh I can get 4 restrooms in this hour". The closets are next to each restroom so no need to run around. The fun part was having to cross the turnstiles each time, one of the restrooms is right outside, the other right inside.
Overall everything went well until the very last quarter-hour when a toilet started overflowing and I had to call maintenance. Fun times.

Friday, June 10.

Africa - Harambe.

First day in Africa!!! I had Raymond show me the break area and closet. Turns out that Africa sucks, our break area is the breakroom of the Tusker Restaurant, our closet is in the middle of Harambe and the two places to dump our banana boats after our trash runs are on opposite sides but not in a practical way. It was a great day, I was on parade duty (sweeping after the parade), I had two trash runs but they went well. I followed the lady before me and triple bagged everything, it was pretty awesome, killed an hour of my day. Brian another CP was in Pangani (the other half of Africa) and we talked for a while.
I believe this was the day we got called out for being in the office early (15 minutes instead of 10). We were told that they could not afford to give us an extra break so we must stay in our designated sections until 10 minutes to the end of our shifts.

Saturday, June 11.

Africa - Pangani.

After Harambe I had to do Pangani, of course. Brian was doing the trash run before me so I followed him around at 16:30 and double bagged everything. We had fun watching the video in the Safaris' queue line and watching the baby gorilla play around.

Entrance to the trail.

A bit before my break I met Greg, another custodial, and asked the innocent question of "who takes care of the trash cans in the Wildlife Express's queue line" to which he answered that it was me. I probably had a blank look on my face because he showed me how to get the banana boat and which way to start the run. Turns out Gerhard who told Brian how to do his run the day before started it from the wrong gate and didn't even get all the cans. So in the end my run went very well, the trash was pretty much empty and once everyone has left Africa we can actually take the banana boat into the queue lines and make our jobs easier.

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