Sunday, June 19, 2011

Week 3

Sunday, June 12.

Dinoland - Boneyard.

Boneyard is a nice place to work but a bit dull. It encompasses the games within Dinoland and goes up to the bridge to Discovery Island. With the Primeval Whirl undergoing refurbishment people tend to go to more interesting places, like Dinosaur. Another issue with Boneyard? Trilobite is there, and they sell Turkey Legs. They smell delicious. The good thing about Boneyard? You're close enough to the Main Entrance break room that you can snack and have your lunch there, much better than the Dinoland break room, way off in the distance.

Monday, June 13.

Off - Costuming.

Costuming, like usual, I lost an hour, but I brought a book with me which made the bus ride that much better =)

Tuesday, June 14.

Off - Animal Kingdom with Ricky.

07/28: I'm not sure why I haven't written anything for this yet. I might have been waiting for my photos to be resized. We visited Animal Kingdom, a little weird to go in as a Guest instead of Cast, but being able to go wherever I want was very nice.

It's an elephant!

I took Ricky all over the park, showing him the different areas I work in. As we walked into Africa we ran into Laura who was on Parade duty (see the pick on June 15). We walked Pangani and rode the Safari ride. All the animals are so beautiful, I love working here.




The beautiful animals found in Africa

After our two weeks on the Safari (that feels like twenty minutes) we went to the Wildlife Express Train that took us over to Rafiki's Planet Watch. The biggest air conditioned building in Animal Kingdom.

Rafiki pointed the way.

And then I got to hug him.

Ricky made a new friend at the petting zoo where they have a donkey, a llama, a pig, a cow, and a whole lot of little goats.

Aren't they cute?

This llama had issues, trying to look at the sky or something.

The cutest, most stubborn goats out there.

Waiting for the train back to Harambe.

We continued our tour of the park, walking through Asia where we rode Kali River Rapids (getting drenched in the process) and Everest. The weather was not at its best so the park had started to empty a bit. We made our way to Dinoland where we rode Dinosaur, I didn't realize that the ride was in the dark the whole time with creepy dinosaurs popping out of nowhere, I loved it.

Priceless faces.

We also managed to grab a Turkey Leg and frozen lemonade at Trilobite and devoured them. Those Turkey Legs are right out of one of my dreams, I'm glad I don't go to the parks every day or I would have to buy one each time.

These Turkey Legs are going to be the end of me.

After that we decided to go over to Downtown Disney. The truth is that there is no direct bus from the parks to Downtown, you either have to transfer or walk a "short" distance. I wanted to see just how short that distance was since I'd been telling guests to go to Saratoga Springs and then walk it. First off, the Saratoga Springs Resort is insanely beautiful and huge. There are at least three bus stops in there (maybe more, we got off on the third). Then it is walking distance if you like to walk. I'm not sure Guests with children would enjoy it. You basically go around the lake between the Resort and Downtown. There is a beautiful view of Downtown Disney from Saratoga though.

It's probably even more beautiful at night, not dusk.

Wednesday, June 15.

Africa - Harambe.

I had a minute of not quite remembering if I worked Pangani or Harambe, but I only worked in Pangani once. Harambe is easy, a bit in the sun, but overall quite nice. I was once again on Parade sweeping duty but before that I got to watch the parade with roommate Laura who was also on Parade duty. She gets to set up the poles and ropes before the parade and take them off afterwards and direct people to the Safaris in the middle.

Wildlife Express Conductor Laura Monday.

Thursday, June 16.

Asia - Everest.

Everest is a place we are told horror stories about. Apparently it's hard. You have to cross the track. They stop the attraction for you when you go through. Either I did it wrong or people are easily scared off. I had... Richard? I think, show me around very fast and by the time I did my trash run I forgot where to find the blue garbage can I could use to empty the trash in the queue line so I just carried my bag. Mom would probably say that if I don't have a head I have arms...

Friday, June 17.

Main Entrance - Bus Side.

Ah Bus Side, how I love you. The Main Entrance side that is not Medical Side, obviously, it doesn't look much worse either, but wow, once you start counting the trash cans, you have to wince. 35. Plus four or five recycling. Once again I followed the person before me and double bagged so I could calculate the time it would take. This time I went with Dan, who by the end of the run (about two hours) was cursing all the coordinators and managers and declaring that he would take two lunches in a row. My closing trash went rather well, I just had to pull the trash, not put bags back, so it cuts your run time in half or so. Another issue is the fact that half the run is in the park, the other is near the bus stops, outside the park. You have to either go through the "zoom gate" - security - or through the turnstiles' handicapped door. Either way is fine, it's just a bit of a hassle.

Saturday, June 18.

Dinoland - Dinosaur.
14:30-21:00 (Early Release at 20:30)

Dinosaur I should have done the week before, but then got switched to wonderful restrooms. Dinosaur is quite nice, a little bit of shade, a little bit of super sunny patches. A nice little area where we can hide from coordinators. There's this little trail that no one goes on, it's pretty sweet.
My French-Canadian friend Jack (Jean-Sebastien) was working Boneyard so we met up a few times and had fun with the guests. He draws Mickey Mouse and other Disney faces on the ground with water. It's a pretty neat skill, he gets "Fanatic" badges for those. Fan badges are good, it means a manager notices you going "Above and Beyond" (which was one of our Basics, if you will recall). Overall a fun day. I had two trash runs again so I double bagged to make my day easier, it ended up raining a little bit so it was even smarter. Our closing runs ended up taking us half an hour so we requested an early release. OMG I'm giving up my moneys. Totally worth it to catch the 20:46 bus instead of waiting around and then running for the 21:09 one.

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