Wednesday, February 23, 2011

First steps

This blog is a few thoughts on the Disney College Program, from the presentation to receiving an email and even getting your booty online to accept your invitation to the land of dreams come true.

When Disney has a little presentation (or 2 huge ones) on Career Fair day it’s difficult to believe that you have any chance of getting your foot in the door. It’s important to remember that they take a good number of students into their program, attending a presentation will definitely not hurt you.
The truth is that without Ricky, I wouldn’t have attended the presentation, we just figured it would be fun to go see what they offered and we had two hours to kill before another meeting.
Turns out, attending this presentation was the best thing I did that day; I never realized that working for Disney could do so much for you, they place you in a friendly student community, you are paid for your work, you live in Florida from 5 to 7 months. It’s absolutely amazing. Oh, and you get free entry to the Resorts before and after your shifts, and any free time you have.
So yes, as a first step this is the easiest thing to do; sit there for an hour, enjoy the jokes, the images, the dreams of things that could be! After that, well after that you wait and see, you receive an email from Disney recruiters within 24 hours. You go on to fill out an online application (if I remember correctly it takes 45 minutes? the time they determine is about right) the easy questions, just make sure you answer truthfully -duh- it’s important when they determine what jobs you’re right for.
If I’m not mistaking, the next step is to give them a call to schedule a phone interview, once again it’s a pretty straight forward step. For the phone interview they have a pretty good list of things to do and not do. The phone interview is straight to the point, simple questions based off of the online application, mostly interview type questions (actually, I can’t really judge that, I’ve never had an interview before this one).
Past the interview, well it’s all about waiting. They told us that we would have to wait until mid-March to get a response; it took Ricky precisely one week, it took me one and a half. From there, you have to pull together not $100 (as most sources told us) but $300 to pay for all first expenses and accept their invitation. When you do, they give you more information about making it to Disney World and they have you choose the day you prefer to arrive at the apartments.

And honestly, that’s as far as I’ve gotten, I will be making preparations to be in Florida on May 18!